
If you want to see your house from a satellite, we have the best applications to view maps of the city via satellite, where you will find relevant information about the place and its surroundings. These apps are used for people to locate themselves through the GPS.

Know her correct route on the path you are going to take makes a difference. Either because of the time spent or also because of the greater security that this offers us. Most technology platforms deliver immediate data and reports in the palm of your hand.


In real time you get to identify details of the locality you want to investigate. With just a few clicks on top of your smartphone screen, you can view images on 3D or 360° to create a more entertaining experience.

At the same time, facilitates the planning of trips and routes to know your surroundings. For this reason, we want you to discover the most used applications to help you in your daily life.

Discover the best apps to visualize the city via satellite

1.Google Maps

a digital app with the most complete system that exists among the localization platforms. In addition, it offers satellite images to obtain a better visualization of various places in real time and remote version, totally free.


To start the app, you must select the “Satellite” function to enable such access and start using all its tools from the intuitive browser with super dynamic maps. In addition, it has advanced resources available in its free version, among them are the following points:

For these and other reasons, having an app to view the city via satellite can make a big difference on your journey to your destination.

2.Google Earth

Ideal option to locate any part of the globe in full detail. It has several useful functions, such as its innovative and technological tool that allows a 360° perspective in Street View of your home or a preferred tourist location.

The application helps travelers and radical athletes to find the next mountain to climb, the biggest river to navigate or simply discover cities around the world with a robust information section with data, images and reports.

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you can also see maps of terrain or buildings in 3D.

Available for Android and iOS.


Waze collaborates with thousands of people providing them with traffic and route information. It has a complete geolocation system along with an alert function that indicates traffic conditions in your city and other locations.

The digital application is considered one of the best on the Internet, due to its “consult” option, which has a variety of voices that guide the driver to more easily locate tourist attractions, accommodation, public transport station, as well as gas stations, restaurants, as well as places where you can pay less for fuel.

Also, it presents the driver with the best routes with data on the weather and everything he needs to know before, during and after the trip. Available free of charge for users with operating system Android either iphone (iOS).