Digital banks: Colombia

A woman using digital banks in Colombia

Digital banks are financial entities that operate through the Internet. These banks offer you benefits that the traditional ones do not, therefore, we want you to learn to recognize them and know which are the best Fintech that you can find in Colombia. Let's start with the basics: what is the difference you find compared to physical banks? TO […]

Apps to get Wifi with and without a password

A man researching apps to get free wifi

Our mobile devices become unusable if we do not have an available internet connection. It is a reality that we must accept. So that your cell phone has access to the multiple functions of the web, we have brought some fantastic apps to get Wifi with and without a password that will save you when you need it. Certainly at some […]

Applications to measure objects: know the best

Digital applications to measure objects or things

At Hiiex we are sure that at some point you have had the need to measure an object and you did not have a tape measure at hand. Whether it's a piece of furniture or a laptop, for those cases we have chosen the best applications to measure objects. These programs use artificial intelligence and augmented reality to measure. In […]

Apps to watch baseball from the cell phone

Digital apps to watch baseball from your cell phone

Baseball is one of the most followed sports in Latin America, especially in the Caribbean area. If you are Caribbean or Central American, it is likely that you grew up watching games of this sport on TV. Today we chose the best apps to watch baseball from your cell phone especially for you. A true sports fan […]

SEO: How and where to start?

You want to know more about SEO, how and where to start

You have probably heard this term, without really understanding what it is about. SEO is a word that is often used to talk about digital marketing and content positioning. To learn more about the subject, we will explain how and where to start applying it. SEO is the acronym for Search Engine [...]

Discover these satellite applications to see your city

Satellite applications to see your city on your cell phone or PC

Have you ever got lost in the city where you live? If we live in small cities it is difficult to get lost, but in large cities it is more common, especially when you do not have landmarks on the horizon. If something like this has happened to you, these satellite applications are dedicated to you to see your city. It doesn't matter […]