
The pregnancy It is a very important stage in the life of a woman and her partner. It involves physical changes.

emotional and social that can affect the well-being of mother and baby.

Therefore, it is essential to have good information and preparation about what it means to be pregnant.


How to take care of yourself during pregnancy and what to expect after delivery and postpartum.

In this text, we are going to present some application to take a pregnancy test , its symptoms, its care and its possible complications.

What are the benefits of taking an online pregnancy test?

a test of pregnancy online is a tool that allows you to estimate the probability of being pregnant based on your symptoms and on the date of your last menstrual period.

Some benefits of taking an online pregnancy test are:

What are the reasons why a woman should take an online pregnancy test?

A online pregnancy test It is a way of knowing if you are pregnant or not without having to buy a pharmacy test or go to the doctor.


Consists in answer a series of questions about the woman's symptoms, he menstrual cycle and sexual activity.

With based on answers, the test gives an approximate result of the probability of being pregnant.

Some women take an online pregnancy test out of curiosity, anxiety or lack of resources.

Others do it because they don't want anyone to know about their possible pregnancy or because they are afraid of having a physical exam.

How does the online pregnancy test work?

To do one online pregnancy test, you must answer a series of questions about the date of the last menstruation.

The frequency and regularity menstrual cycles, contraceptive use, presence of nausea, vomiting, breast tenderness, mood swings or other signs that may indicate pregnancy.

At the end of the questionnaire, a result is obtained that can be positive, negative or indeterminate, depending on the level of probability calculated.

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It is recommended to confirm the result with a urine or blood pregnancy test as soon as possible.

You need to install the correct app

For take the test, you need to install the appropriate application on your mobile device.

The application How to know if you are pregnant will allow you access questions, answer them and send them to the evaluator.

Also you will be able to see your score and receive feedback. the app is free and secure, and it only requires a stable internet connection. To install it, follow these steps:

If you have any problems or questions, you can contact support application technician or evaluator Of the test.



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Here is the application link: How do I know if I'm pregnant