In today's world, having health insurance coverage can make a world of difference in your care when needed. When you think about health, you definitely do not play and it is very important that you are already prepared and safe.
Today we are going to explain a little about the importance and how it works and if it is really advantageous. Because many people confuse health plans with health insurance, even using the expressions as if they were the same thing.
But in reality what causes this confusion is justified, because as plans and insurance, they actually have many attributes in common, even if they are not the same.
health insurance
In current health plans, the insured have the medical assistance service provided by professionals and establishments accredited by the operator, generally in periodic books.
Health insurance, for its part, offers members the free choice of professionals, laboratories and hospitals.
The ANS is one of the health insurance supervisory authorities, which is in charge of regulating, controlling and supervising complementary health care activities.
When this type of insurance is contracted, the user receives reimbursement for the expenses of the medical service provided in accordance with the provisions of the contract.
However, if the service must be performed on the referral network, the user is guaranteed a full refund.
Health Insurance allows some advantages for its users, such as: Flexibility in choosing the doctor or hospital/clinic for treatment and the health insurance company can offer the user complementary services such as benefits and discounts, according to the deductible and the provisions of the policy. .
Health plan or insurance: which is better for you?
Health insurance works as follows: the client pays a monthly fee called PREMIUM and it works as follows: all paying insurers guarantee assistance among themselves by paying the premium.
Each monthly installment is equivalent, in part, to the risk of the cost of the treatments for each insured person. It functions as a health cooperative.
Health insurance benefits
Less waiting: As the health plan insured has access to private services and clinics, care is usually much more agile, without those waiting times.
More exclusivity: With the ANS regulations, health insurance is made up of different coverage modules, which allows the user to have a coverage service fully adjusted to their needs and profile.
Freedom of choice: With health insurance, the insured can choose the doctor, clinic, laboratory or service to be treated, not depending on a fixed network of options, as in health plan contracts.
If you want the freedom to choose doctors and hospitals, health insurance is the best option for you.
Through it it is possible to have consultations with doctors and entities that are not affiliated and by having the insurance you have access to the reimbursement mechanism, thus having protection against any medical expenses that may occur when you need it.