
What dark secrets do the satellites hide in orbit around the earth?

How can we use your data to discover hidden mysteries on our planet?

In the digital age we live in, the satellites They have become part of our day to day, and thanks to technological advances.


Today we have a great number of applications that allow us to obtain valuable information from them.

In this article, we will explore some of the best and most mysterious satellite apps that are available on the market.

Are you ready to dive into the world of satellites and discover its secrets?

Google Earth.

Google Earth it's a satellite app that allows users to explore the world through 3D images. With this tool, you will be able to visualize from the highest mountains to the deepest oceans.

Also, you can explore cities all over the world and see the most famous monuments and sights.


To download and install google earth in your cellphone, follow the steps below: open the app store (on iOS devices) or google play (in android devices) and search Google Earth.

Once you find it, click "download" and install the app. Once installed, open the app and start exploring the world around you.

Also, you can create your own guided tours and share them with friends and family. Download Google Earth today and start exploring the world from the palm of your hand.

Sentinel App

Sentinel App is a satellite app that uses real-time imagery to provide valuable information about extreme weather events, natural disasters, and other environmental phenomena.

With this tool, you can be informed and prepared for any situation that may arise.

To download and install Sentinel App on your mobile, follow these steps: open the App Store (for iOS devices) or Google Play (for Android devices) and Search for Sentinel App.

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Once you find it, click "discharge" and install the app. Once installed, open the app and set your preferences to receive alerts about extreme weather events, natural disasters and others environmental phenomena.

Download Sentinel App today and keep your eyes on the sky to always be prepared.

star walk 2

star walk 2 is a satellite app that offers a real-time sky-viewing experience.

With this tool, you will be able to identify stars, constellations, planets, comets and other celestial objects.

In addition, you will be able to know the characteristics of each object and be aware of the astronomical events more important.

To download and install star walk 2 on your cell phone, follow these steps: open the app store (on iOS devices) or google play (in android devices) and search starwalk 2.

Once you find it, click "discharge" and install the app.

Once installed, open the app and adjust your preferences according to your interests in the night sky.

star walk 2 is a useful tool for any astronomy fan, as it allows you to explore the universe from the palm of your hand.