
The mental health apps They can provide a variety of resources to help people better manage your mental health. There are applications that provide cognitive behavioral therapy, stress reduction based on mindfulness and motivational support.

ls CBT-based apps can help you to develop healthy coping strategies, identify thoughts negatives and perform a Track your progress over time.

The reduction applications based on stress mindfulness (MBSR) They can help you stay in the moment. practice deep breathing exercises and improve your general well-being through mindful living practices.

The support applications motivational provide affirmations and reminders positives to keep users abreast of their goals and objectives related to improving your mental health.


It has been discovered that all of these types of health apps Mental health are effective in managing anxiety, depression, and other mental health problems. mental health when used consistently over time.


Yana is a Free app created by Stanford researchers, which provides users evidence-based tools to help control the stress, anxiety and depression.

The application was designed to be easy to use and provide Personalized support for each individual's experience. With Yana, the users can track their mood along the ttime and receive personalized advice on how to deal with the factors stressors and develop new habits.

They can also access relaxation exercises such as breathing techniques, meditations of audio and music relaxing that help to reduce the current anxiety levels.

The orientation personalized they receive from the application is based on the principles of cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) that have proven to be Beneficial for people struggling with mental health issues.

Also, Yana offers resources such as articles on topics such as personal care, positive thinking and mindfulness that are designed to help users to be more aware of his feelings, thoughts and behaviors so they can take better decisions about how best to handle them.

Youper Therapy & Self-Care

Youper Therapy is a free mobile application that uses intelligence artificial to help people with their mental health. combine therapy cognitive-behavioral, positive psychology and techniques of mindfulness to help clients to identify and address their mental health problems.


The application provides sessions of personalized psychotherapy for users, as well as personal care toolssuch as guided meditations, worksheets to track progress and daily challenges. It also offers support from a global community of users who share their experiences and offer advice.

Self care is a part important in managing your mental health. Personal care apps like Headspace are designed to provide you with the skills and resources you need to take better care of yourself.

Headspace offers meditation exercises adapted to different needs and objectivessuch as relieving stress or improve concentration, but also includes activities such as stretching yoga and soundscapes to sleep what are you offering Practical tools for relaxation.

Besides, the application has motivational messagesna throughout the day that can remind users why it is Personal care is important to provide ongoing support.


shine is a App that helps people with their mental health. Provides a safe space for users to perform a track your mental health, get support from a community and access personalized advice from experienced trainers.

the application is designed to be easy to use and understand, so that anyone can take advantage of its features.

shine too offers guided conversations, meditations, journal exercises and other activities that can help users improve their general well-being.

Apps to help you with mental health

The app also has built-in reminders for users don't forget to practice habits such as mindfulness or self-care.

Besides, the platform encourages users to connect with other people that they may have experiences similar to yours to provide additional support.

shine creates a supportive environment where everyone can feel comfortable discussing mental health issues without fear of being judged or stigmatized.

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Sanvello is a application designed to help users manage stress, anxiety and depression. Provides access to a wide range of mental health professionals and resourceshim, including the cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), mindfulness exercises, relaxation techniques and more.

The app too gives users the ability to track their mood over time and identify patterns in your behavior that may be contributing to your mental state.

Also, Sanvello includes a support community section where users can connect with peers what are they going through similar experiences.

This can provide a invaluable source of comfort and understanding for those who face mental health problems.

Last but not least, the app has an extensive library of articles related to various topics mental health that can provide additional information on the management of the Mental Wellness.


For example, happy is a application that offers activities and games designed to help the users to develop resilience and increase their feelings of joy and satisfaction.

The app too offers tracking tools so that users can track their progress over time, as well such as access to experts who can provide advice when needed.

Another useful application of mental health it's pacific. This app works like a personal therapist helping users to manage stress and anxiety with cognitive-behavioral therapy techniques, such as meditation exercises, mood tracking, goal setting, healthy lifestyle support and more.


In general, the apps are a great way to access to the mental health services without having to leave home or take a break from work.

toast comprehensive and personalized care that can be adapted to needs of the individual.

although not there is a unique solution to improve mental health, these applications offer a wide variety of functions that can help people manage their symptoms and find the tools that they need to deal with their problems.


either to through cognitive behavioral therapy, relaxation techniques or daily exercises, these apps have something for everyone looking for help with Take control of your mental health.

As a last resort, these apps should not replace traditional forms of therapy, but complement them by providing a source of support available and convenient.