
People who suffer from Mellitus diabetes they have to constantly regulate blood sugar levels, feed and lead a rigorous life full of care. Currently there are different apps to control diabetes at home in order to monitor the disease.

Some of the platforms have a section where it is possible to issue more visual results based on graphs and data that are thrown through the information provided by the user.

The increase in mobile digital applications has been growing with the advancement of new technology and insertion of artificial intelligence in the field of health. For this reason, several programs have been created that have quality certification to help a community that has been greatly affected, especially the adult population.


For all these reasons, various solutions have emerged in the form of mobile applications or electronic devices that help prevent and control diabetes.

So, if you want to know more, I invite you to read our articles and learn about some of the best apps of the listing.

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Best apps to control diabetes and have a digital follow-up

1.Social Diabetes

This app aims to bring the disease control without having to leave home. Within the program, the patient can register his diet, indicating the foods he has eaten during the month, as well as the amount of insulin supplied on the day, for example.


The digital application also broadcasts a series of pe form recommendationspersonalized for all its users with night alerts, thanks to its intelligent system. It is also possible to store "SocialDiabetes" in the cloud to share with the doctor remotely.

In addition, said application creates graphs to follow the evolution of the patient in a more visual way. Also, it has an alert system that warns the user of possible complications, in accordance with the data supplied with patients with type 1 and 2 diabetes.

2. FEDIabetes

The app was created by the Federation of Spanish Diabetics (FEDE) totally free. It has a personal diary where you can provide information about blood pressure, blood glucose values, notifications to administer insulin and alarms to remind you of a doctor's appointment.

It also has a section aimed at control and monitoring of exercises made by the user, as well as their intensity and time spent. At the same time, it has a record aimed at controlling the feeding, indicating the minimum and maximum blood glucose values of everyday.

One of the favorite functions by its community, is:

  1. DIARY: Here you can consult any type of agenda information (events, talks, activities, among others) that may be of interest to you.

3.One Drop

With more than 3 million people in your community living with diabetes, prediabetes, blood pressure, cholesterol, among other conditions. One Drop is an application that aims to establish disease control through records.

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It has a carbohydrate counting system, alerts, insulin administration reminders, and an internal group to exchange information between users with the idea of sharing their own experiences anonymously.

The digital membership It has individual training, interactive content, real-time advice, health data monitoring, smart glucose meter, and much more.

4. Diabetes: M

This application allows you to keep track of most aspects related to the treatment of diabetes, since you can analyze the data imported from different glucometers and insulin pumps.

An outstanding feature of this app is the compatibility with smart watches. In this way, the user can enter the data at any time and place, in a simple and practical way.

Also, generates detailed reports, graphs, and statistics. Thus, the user will be able to send his doctor all the information by email. Likewise, it has bluetooth integration, a virtual assistant, as well as a registry to analyze the patient's data, all without having to view advertisements.

It is important to remember that the applications will not replace the doctor-patient relationship. Only a health professional can diagnose and treat a medical problem as serious as Diabetes.

Nevertheless, the apps have undoubtedly become a digital health tool important in our lives that we need to take into account in this era of new technologies.

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