
The instant messaging application It is always making improvements to stand out with its service and functions, for example, from now on you can set your statuses to music like you do on Instagram or Facebook. You want to know more? here we will explain how to add music to whatsapp status What do you usually upload?

Now that it's part of Goal, is constantly launching functions for improve user experience and despite the fact that this tool had already been presented, imitating the other social networks until now it is being a boom.


Nevertheless, some users got tired that this function does not arrive and they decided to do it on their own, capable, as a way of claiming the owners of WhatsApp.

Read on and don't miss the Step by Step that we have especially for you.


How do I upload music in WhatsApp states?

Image credit: Google
  1. The first thing you should do is open the music player that you use most frequently, you should search for the song that you want to add to the WhatsApp status.
  2. Select Play and turn up the music volume so it plays loud through the speakers.
  3. Find the WhatsApp application, open the tab corresponding to the states.
  4. Click on the green icon located on the camera to be able to upload a new image or video status.
  5. Select the button enabled to record on the interface as if you were making a video to upload to WhatsApp statuses.
  6. In this way, WhatsApp will begin to record the music that sounds around the mobile.
  7. Check the final result of the recording when you finish recording the music.
  8. When the recording convinces you, click on the bottom of the green arrow and send to the state.

This method for putting music in WhatsApp status is fast, although it does not offer many options. It is important to keep an eye on the quality of the song, as it can sound different during recording if there is too much outside noise.

NOTE: this trick can be used both in Android as iOS.

Image credit: Google

How can I upload a song from YouTube in the status of WhatsApp?

WhatsApp also manages to upload a song from Youtube. To do it correctly, you must follow these steps:

  1. Find the Youtube video you want to share in the WhatsApp status.
  2. Pause the video and click on the three dots that you will see in the lower right corner.
  3. In the dropdown menu, select Share to see the platforms on which it can be spread.
  4. Then click on the WhatsApp icon.
  5. Open and display the video sharing options by selecting the “My Status” tab and pressing the “Next” button.
  6. The video is already uploaded with the link of reproduction in the state.
  7. The application allows you to make adjustments to the status, customize it to add messages, change the font, include emoticons and place backgrounds of different colors.
  8. Once you have the ready state, press the Share button. Thus, you will already have the status published.

With this simple method, you will know how to put music in whatsapp status starting from a song from Youtube, spotify or any other melodic platform.

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What are the new WhatsApp updates?

This application of instant messaging «whatsapp» as we mentioned before, it is not far behind and at every moment it is seeking to be better than the other digital networks that They benefit both Android and iOS phones.

In this sense, the arrival of new technologies such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), brought with it new updates for users of different ages and cultures without interrupting experience, on the contrary, it manages to offer different paths for a function.

WhatsApp just don't lag behind. Below, we present the latest releases where the network has stood out.

Do not forget to share with your friends through the different social networks.